In an era where the economic world is centered around efficiency and profit Pearl Marzook is an icon of a different time. A time when Arab culture thrived in Kuwait and efficiency and culture went hand in hand. From its materiality, down to its integration of the public space with private space Pearl Marzook is an extension of Kuwait. It succeeds in creating a thriving community within its walls while giving enough individuality to each space.
The concept of Muy.Brary is to create a further connection between the viewer spectator relationship in Pearl Marzook, while retaining the individuality of each apartment. The apartments are divided into the most private areas, the bedrooms, secluded at the top level, and the living area, which sprawls out bellow, and ends with floor length windows, connecting you to the outside world. Muy.Brary takes a private moment, that of the nude, and uses it to transport your personal musings and thoughts into an ethereal journey in your own home, mimicking your movements and accompanying you on your walk.
The elements of Muy.Brary abstract the movement of the nude, from the profile of the unit, which repeats the Nudes journey twice, down each staircase, to the colors, which change in a downward motion, and the movement of the doors, which open towards the right, further exaggerating the motion towards the public realm, outside the windows.
As the 25‐meter library unit snakes its way down the stairs it expands in size. From a 15cm deep, knee height unit in the bedroom area, to the 90cm deep desk, and 240cm height shelving along the north light window. The profile of the nude pivots at the bottom of the spine, expanding in depth in intervals of 15cm to accommodate the program of the living room, thus enveloping you in the essence of the unit as you travel from beginning to end.